lishui district party committee secretary and his party visited the enterprise-欧洲杯投注网址

column:company news time:2018-03-15
on the afternoon of march 14th, comrade xie yuan, secretary of the lishui district committee, and his party visited our company. secretary xie went to each workshop to visit the production process of our company's products.

       on the afternoon of march 14th, comrade xie yuan, secretary of the lishui district committee, and his party visited our company. secretary xie visited the workshops to see the production process of our company's products, and highly appreciated the enterprise's intelligent production workshop. during the visit, secretary xie made a detailed understanding of the difficulties encountered in the production and operation of the enterprise. in response to the land, talent introduction, and listing issues reflected by the enterprise, the district committee and district government will further improve the policy formulation and implementation and create a good the investment environment of enterprises helps enterprises develop and grow.

       secretary xie said that the government will, as always, support the development of enterprises. relevant departments and development zones should actively communicate with enterprises and increase policy assistance. in response to problems raised by enterprises, secretary xie asked relevant departments to do their best to solve them. at the same time, secretary xie asked all relevant government functional departments to actively provide services, optimize the talent and entrepreneurial environment, create a high-quality and efficient development environment, and fully support enterprises to grow bigger and stronger.

       i believe that with the care and support of leaders at all levels of the district committee and district government, jiangsu benchuan intelligent circuit technology co., ltd. will definitely accelerate the development process and contribute to the local economic construction!
